Become a GETS/WPS Point of Contact for Your Organization

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Instructions and Checklist

This form allows you to establish a Point of Contact (POC) to manage GETS/WPS within your organization. GETS/WPS POC responsibilities include:
  • Enrolling eligible personnel in GETS/WPS
  • Distributing GETS cards to your subscribers
  • Familiarizing subscribers with GETS/WPS
  • Reviewing monthly GETS usage
  • Updating the GETS/WPS subscriber list

Before filling out the form, make sure that you have all necessary information on hand. At a minimum, this includes the following:


  • Full name
  • Mailing address (GETS PIN cards will be sent here)
  • Official organizational email address
  • Two (2) phone numbers


  • Organization type (e.g., a Federal Agency)
  • Organization name and a brief description
  • Your position title

GETS Service

  • GETS NS/EP mission criteria (from list)
  • International calling needed? (Yes or No)

WPS Service (Optional)

  • WPS NS/EP mission criteria (from list)
  • Wireless carrier
  • Account number
  • Cell phone number

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* = Required Field; ! = Invalid Entry